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andyedward83's Latest Review
 26 May 2010 at 9:27 am

Definitely me and my wife's favorite steak place. It's so worth it (price and taste wise) that on a particular month, we went to eat there every sunday. That's 4 times in one month. Even now with the economic slowdown and all, we still go there like 2-3 times/ month.

Word of caution though, the queue can be very long during lunch or dinner time. So coming at 2pm-5pm is very advisable to avoid queuing for too long although there maybe a short line of queue still.

Ordering the meal of your choice is very simple, pick one of the main dishes and it will come with 2 choices of hot or cold side dishes. My favorite which is also my wife's favorite is the New York Strip medium done. The portion is bigger than the prime sirloin. That's why we always opted for the New York Strip. =)
Waiting time for the food is quite reasonable which is 5-15 minutes ( can be more if you come at peak hours ). You can always order the mushroom soup as an appetizer while waiting for the main dish to come.


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My Comments
On the review for Pearl River Palace (Business has closed down)
  1. andyedward83
    andyedward83 said:
    $28 nett?? or without tax??
    23 Mar 2009 at 3:55 pm
On the review for Tony Roma’s (Suntec City)
  1. andyedward83
    andyedward83 said:
    How much was the price??
    05 Mar 2009 at 11:37 am
On the review for Ma Maison (Bugis Junction)
  1. andyedward83
    andyedward83 said:
    i agree..the escargorts are the best.. :)
    18 Dec 2008 at 2:17 pm
On the review for Arnold’s Fried Chicken (City Plaza)
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    whee good to go! more more more!
    04 Mar 2008 at 8:01 pm
  2. Leonard
    Leonard said:
    serious ah! was hoping to try after the first review, now seems the standard dropped eh? what's next!!! haha
    04 Mar 2008 at 9:03 pm
  3. claud
    claud said:
    Wah! Andy's 1st review! Wahx2! U went there for dinner today?? haha! hmm... its still better than KFC lah. More reviews from Andy!!
    04 Mar 2008 at 10:58 pm
  4. 1 more comment »

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