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1018 East Coast Parkway #02-01
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Telephone: 6447-9279
Restaurants » Korean
Photos of Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - RestaurantsPhotos of Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - RestaurantsPhotos of Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - RestaurantsPhotos of Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - RestaurantsPhotos of Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ ” - Restaurants

  1. alina11
     16 Nov 2011 at 5:15 pm

    I love this place. We ate here countless times! Usually we eat at the Waraku restaurant right beside it, but their service when down so we tried Korean food instead.

    Dad, bro and I came here on a Wednesday night. Not much people. Once we entered, we could smell the barbequed meat right away. We ordered marinated chicken and marinated beef. Sides came shortly after we ordered. ALOT of side dishes, and the best part? FREE FLOW! I love the white mashed potato thing, sweet and lovely. The waitress told us that the potato is mashed in a machine with butter and a bit of sugar. The rest were good. I am fine with all the veggies served. I can't understand why some people had veggies so much. They are TASTY N HEALTHY!

    Marinated pork was cooked first. It was really aromatic. I wrapped the cooked slices in the lettuce served with some sauce. Yum yum!

    Beef was good too. Like the pork, I wrapped it with lettuce and put some cucumber and/or carrot slices with sauce. Ooshi!

    I WILL come back here again. But Dad doesn't want to; he says its 'fattening'!

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    1. $money$
       07 Feb 2009 at 5:50 pm
         Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants

      It wasn’t an easily accessible location for us, but we still decide to go, for we heard about their unlimited lunch BBQ at $29 inclusive of a main dish. I was quite suspicious initially. But when we had the bill, the only extra was the $1 for tea&towel. And of course, the to go with all these prices.

      The $29 includes only 3 types of pork (marinade pork, pork collar, pork belly) and 1 type of chicken (marinade chicken). The beef had to be ordered separately, if you still want it after looking at the price. Most of the serving staff are Chinese-nationals and we thought one of the lady who served us could be a Korean management staff / boss (as another staff rushed over to take over her work soon after she started flipping our meat). There was no force-selling of the other meat items on the menu and there was no black-face on our second & third request of meat and side dishes (except just a gentle warning that unfinished meat will be charged). On sight of us trying to flip and cut the meat ourselves, the staff would also volunteer immediately to serve us. Overall, the dinning experience was good.

      The unlimited BBQ comes with a main dish which could served as a normal lunch by itself and was priced at $9.90 for lunch (maybe that’s why they could price the unlimited BBQ at only $29, since you wouldn’t normally eat too much of the BBQ after eating the main course). I liked the clear beef rib soup.

      The unlimited BBQ also come with unlimited Korean side dishes. The kimchi was seasoned sufficiently and the cold tofu was nice. However, the mashed potato was a bit too sweet to me and they didn’t served my favourite spicy big-headed beansprouts (guess it was from soy bean rather than green bean which we usually get in Spore). We thought it was not available, since the menu doesn’t list what side dish are available. BUT later we heard another table asking for the big-headed beansprouts and it WAS served to them. Too bad I am already full to take another side dish.

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      1. Lucardia
         18 Feb 2008 at 4:12 pm
           Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants   Ju Shin Jung East Korean Charcoal BBQ - Restaurants

        Korean food appeals to me in many ways when done right. For starters, they have an inexhaustible side dish tradition that i wish every cuisine should follow. Secondly, their main items contain more greens then meat, perfect for the health conscious and finally, the food remains on the edge of spicy and sweet. Making it an appetising and healthy experience...when done right. So where else would we have this except for one opened and run by none other then a Korean boss? Ju Shin Jung is one such place i visited one lazy weekday night and here's how i think it fared.

        The interior deserves a write up simply because its huge. I didn't expect it that way but when i entered the place, i had the same feeling Neo had in the movie 'The Matrix' when he looked at the buildings he had to jump. "Woah!" Its not that the place is lavish or anything, its just really spacious and really big. Even so, there were private function rooms available should you so require. There are about 4 to 5 tables in a row and each is serviced by one attendant. My observation is that most attendants are Chinese Nationals and apart from the usual hard sell attendant, the little lady servicing our table was very good at her job. Introducing the dishes and teaching us how best to enjoy the meal. The only complaint was the aforementioned order taker who definitely wasn't listening when we spoke and pushed the more expensive items for us to order, otherwise, service is generally excellent.

        Yep, all these side dishes are totally and utterly free! It comes when you order 2 meats for your meal which is exactly what we did. Do not let anyone tell you that having 1 meat and side dishes are not enough for 2 people. They are just trying to coax you into buying more food....which is exactly what we did. For the dishes, there was lettuce with mayonnaise, kimchi, tofu, steamed eggs, more preserved vegetables and a whole lot of greens i can't quite name. And most of it was good. As told by our attendant, everything was air flown and hand picked by the boss and i have to say, it definitely shows here. We over ordered but i did not regret it one bit and thats saying alot.

        Pork Ribs ($22)/Chicken ($20) - I'll just comment on both meats together. Eating them is a joy. Fresh, tender and sweet with a dash of spice, its just really easy to stomach. The trick to eating them is to ensure you use the greens provided above to wrap the meat before eating. The meat are also both barbecued right in front of you which means its kept hot and ready to eat when you are ready to eat. No complaints here, just good meat and good vegetables together for a winning combination. If i had to be picky, i'd say the meat can get overcooked sometimes and there serving isn't exactly big. Still, it did stuff 2 stomachs to the brim.

        Bibimbap ($13) - Bibimbap beef. Yep, no visit would be complete without it. Actually, we tried to cancel the dish after seeing the side dishes but was told it was already made and couldn't be refunded. Despite the huge bowl it came in, after mixing, it only filled 2 small bowls. Upon tasting, i was pleasantly surprised yet again. The rice itself is interestingly 'full' tasting. You can taste the sweet and spicy sauce on each big grain of rice and the mixture of meat, egg, carrots, mushrooms, beansprouts and vegetables balances everything nicely. I could go for seconds of this anytime.

        Korean Ginger Tea and watermelon - Complimentary dessert. You get a choice of watermelon juice or korean ginger tea. We got both. The ginger tea is the same one i remembered when i had Korean cuisine in Shanghai. Its exceedingly sweet but i was told that it had 'cooling' capabilities after our rather 'heaty' meal. Nevertheless, its not something i like at the moment but might be an acquired taste.

        An over ordered yet very satisfying meal cost me only $67.09. I was pleasantly surprised actually because everything seemed so much more expensive on the menu.

        With the exception of one lady i didn't quite like as she was trying to sucker us into ordering lots of items. Everything else in the restaurant was pretty well done. Good service, good food and good price, I don't see a reason not to return. Give it a try, judge for yourself. (Note: As the service staff are mostly Chinese Nationals, please take note that the preferred language is actually mandarin instead of English. I tried conversing in English but my message didn't quite get through, thus i switched to mandarin which yielded much better results.) -

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        Comments on this review:
        1. Bobo
          Bobo said:
          wah I've been looking to try Korean BBQ. Thanks... for such temptation to ruin my diet.
          18 Feb 2008 at 4:27 pm
        2. Polarbear
          Polarbear said:
          I wanna to go and try!
          18 Feb 2008 at 4:30 pm
        3. claud
          claud said:
          5 star!! woot! all going to try liao haha
          18 Feb 2008 at 4:52 pm
        4. 6 more comments »
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