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latest 40 comments on uglyfatchick's reviews
On the review for Dbl O
  1. His Food Blog
    His Food Blog said:
    Oh Saturday before 10pm Citibank Cardmembers get free entry! And I m sure Claud will agree their Sat are the best!!
    20 May 2008 at 11:55 pm
  2. claud
    claud said:
    Wahahahaha!!! I want to do it again!! When I'm free-er. LOL
    21 May 2008 at 12:20 am
On the review for Golden Village (VivoCity)
  1. Polarbear
    Polarbear said:
    Hmm... This nvr happen to me when I was there. Maybe you went at the wrong time.
    21 Apr 2008 at 8:55 am
On the review for Tajimaya Yakiniku (Vivocity)
  1. claud
    claud said:
    Will there be those "foodcourt" kind of smell stuck to you after dining there? If don't have, I want to go try. :)
    15 Apr 2008 at 9:45 am
On the review for Bird’s Nest Bar By Dragon Brand (Vivocity)
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    WOA! I want! wished they had many outlets all over though...
    11 Apr 2008 at 5:43 am
On the review for GV Gold Class (VivoCity)
  1. Polarbear
    Polarbear said:
    Hmm... $30 for a less than 2 hours movie. So not worth it! Next time watch those 2.5 hrs and above movies! Wahahahaha.
    10 Apr 2008 at 9:45 am
On the review for White Dog Cafe
  1. Lucardia
    Lucardia said:
    Yeah, i remember it took a long time for them to serve as well. Food was average though.
    09 Apr 2008 at 9:48 pm
On the review for IKEA Restaurant (Alexandra)
  1. Polarbear
    Polarbear said:
    Wahaha...... Dun worry there is another Ikea @ Tampines. Still can eat the meatball and wings.
    08 Apr 2008 at 8:48 am
  2. Lucardia
    Lucardia said:
    lol. I never knew Ikea served nice food. Maybe go try one day. lol
    08 Apr 2008 at 9:12 am
  3. claud
    claud said:
    The seafood salad is my fav! And of cos the infamous chicken wings! Good thing Ikea is also in Tampines now! hee!
    08 Apr 2008 at 9:32 am
  4. 1 more comment »
On the review for Crystal Jade (Vivocity)
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    Oh my... I hate horrid service it spoils my appetite totally..
    05 Apr 2008 at 4:02 pm
  2. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    ahh.. bad service, but hows the food?
    05 Apr 2008 at 4:29 pm
  3. Helmet
    Helmet said:
    This review is a little out dated and hope they improve by now
    05 Apr 2008 at 11:41 pm
  4. 3 more comments »
On the review for Bosses
  1. Helmet
    Helmet said:
    previews review complain tea cup no handle, now have. Is that an improvement? haha.
    05 Apr 2008 at 1:02 pm
  2. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    I had the same problem with the tea!! it took some reminders before they got us our tea...
    05 Apr 2008 at 4:00 pm
On the review for Bangkok
  1. feizhu
    feizhu said:
    Bangkok night bazaar? Which one?
    21 Jan 2008 at 12:29 am
On the review for Siam Kitchen (Parco Bugis Junction)
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    haha thanks for the detailed review. Stingy is good so when we see 5 star from you it's a must try!
    20 Jan 2008 at 8:21 am
  2. claud
    claud said:
    Hi UFC! Hope to see more of u here! :) Well the only thing I eat at Siam (most time) is the beef noodle soup.
    20 Jan 2008 at 11:48 am
  3. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    i dun like siam kitchen :(
    20 Jan 2008 at 4:05 pm
On the review for Han’s Cafe (Far East Plaza)
  1. Polarbear
    Polarbear said:
    Seems like ur aim is to visit all the Hans outlet huh? Haa.... I like hans too. Service wise I think cannot expect the same from fast food places.
    18 Dec 2007 at 9:17 am
  2. Kilkenny
    Kilkenny said:
    At least this branch seems to have a proper menu haha
    18 Dec 2007 at 9:55 am
  3. s
    s said:
    try Hans in Marina Square... I think service there is slightly better
    19 Jan 2008 at 3:34 pm
On the review for HAN KA RAM Korean Restaurant (The Heeren)
  1. claud
    claud said:
    I want to eat kimchi! Going to bug him to bring me there soon.
    18 Dec 2007 at 10:10 am
On the review for Han’s Cafe (Harbourfront Centre)
  1. Helmet
    Helmet said:
    So did you manage to order anything?
    14 Dec 2007 at 1:06 am
  2. Kilkenny
    Kilkenny said:
    LOL that is really interesting!
    17 Dec 2007 at 9:36 am
  3. claud
    claud said:
    Hahahaha! That's simply hilarious loh! Wonder how they do biz like that.
    17 Dec 2007 at 6:13 pm
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